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The Official Website
of John Derhak
Author of Tales from the moe.Republic & The Bones of Lazarus
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The Return Of
Mr. Poole
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A novella in digital
by John Derhak

One summer's eve, a man awakes in the midst of a cemetery … against a headstone … over a freshly turned grave.
He is utterly alone, yet, he fears, in the presence of something. With no recollection of how he arrived there, he rushes off into the night, and, inexplicably, walks into his own past.
Encountering lives he had long forgotten, he is drawn into a mysterious, ghostly, spirit world—one of reflection, redemption, and unshakable tragedy—pushing him inexorably, to a destination, ominous and foreboding—and a reckoning that awaits him there—with an unrelenting evil.